POST https://apidemo.powerkiosk.com/contracts
BODY { "rateMatrixId": "297ed5063d288ec7013d28a696c5000e", // comes from the Rates API, fake Id used in this example "serviceTypeId": "297ed5063d424e7b013d429edf0d0006", // comes from the ServiceTypes API, only required if no rateMatrixId passed "effectiveDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00", // only required if no rateMatrixId is passed, otherwise will default to the first of the next month
// if you want to sign up in Texas then you must call the switch-types API which gives you possible values for the following three fields "switchTypeCode": "Switching Service", "moveInType": "Future Start", "switchDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
"dwellingType": "Apartment", // possible values above "taxExemptReason": "PERSONALRESIDENCEORVACATIONHOMEORTENANT", // this field requirement is determined by the SignUpRequirements API, possible values above "customer": { "dbaName": "Alex Ayerdi", // legal entity name for business, first + last name for residential "contactFname": "Alex", // input by user "contactMiddle": "", // input by user "contactLname": "Ayerdi", // input by user "contactTitle": "", // title for person in business "address1": "123 S Green", // input by user "address2": "402B", // input by user "city": "Chicago", // determined from zip code API "stateId": "297ed5063d288ec7013d28a696c5000e", // determined by zip code API "zipCode": "60607", // selected zip code "billingAddress1": "123 S Green", // input by user "billingAddress2": "402B", // input by user "billingZipCode": "60607", // input by user "billingCity": "Chicago", // determined by zip code API "billingStateId": "297ed5063d288ec7013d28a696c5000e", // determined by zip code API "phone": "5555555555", // input by user "mobile": "5555555555", // input by user or defaulted to the customer.phone. Will be used to text customer for enrollment confirmation. "email": "alex.ayerdi@powerkiosk.com", // input by user "taxId": "73838392747", // tax identifier EIN/FIN input by the user when showTaxId is true from the /rates API "ssn": "555-55-5555", // input by user, this field requirement is determined by the SignUpRequirements API "dob": "2000-03-01T00:00:00", // input by user, this field requirement is determined by the SignUpRequirements API "language": "english" // if Texas user should be able to input "spanish" or "english", can default to "english" }, "locations": [{ "annualUsage": "100", // determined by defaults, or input by user (MAKE SURE YOU PASS IN KWH OR THERMS) "address1": "123 S Green", // input by user, same as customer info "address2": "402B", // input by user, same as customer info "city": "Chicago", // determined by zip code API "stateId": "297ed5063d288ec7013d28a696c5000e", // determined by zip code API "zipCode": "60607", // determined by zip code API "utilityAccountNum": "1231231233", // input by user "utilityReferenceNum": "1231231233", // input by user, determined to show by /utilities API showReferenceNum "utilityMeterNum": "1231231233", // input by user, determined to show by /utilities API showMeterNum "utilityNameKey": "1231231233", // input by user, determined to show by /utilities API showNameKey "zone": "some zone", // this is the zone selected, may be empty depending on your region, this is the zone name not the zone id "rateClass": "rs", // "rs" for resdential, otherwise selected by Rate Class API result, this is the rate class name not the rate class id "utilityId": "1ac3bcc7155445d8a2efb94debbe9fea" // selected utility Id }], "attachments": [{ "attachmentId": "1ac3bcc7155445d8a2efb94de424jijo2" // attachment Id from Attachment API }], "promoCodeId": "45" // promo code used, can get Id from promo code API or ask Power Kiosk IT Support, used for tracking purposes only }